Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Last Career Guide You'll Ever Need

I came across a really cool book this year, that I really think is a good read. The Adventures of Johnny Bunko, The Last Career Guide You'll Ever Need. Whats cool about Daniel H. Pink's book is is totally illustrated in a Manga style. I mean it reads like a comic book, fast and interesting!

If you like Manga you need to check out this book! It is illustrated by Rob Ten Pas in a most interesting black and white, action-packed Japanese comic style. Why Japanese Manga? The author won a fellowship to study the manga industry in Tokyo.

The message is equally as good as the art, so slow down as you look at the pictures and read the book too!! No really!!

The book starts out questioning. Why is Johnny Bunko as clueless as a cucumber? Especially when he is a lot like you and me! You know basically he is a good person; kind to animals; helps old ladies across the street; gets good grades, does what he was suppose to do! Gets the job ... but he suspect that everything is wrong!! Translation, he is not happy.

Well thank goodness for a very cute half-human creature whose super powers appear in a time of crisis. You know this pointy-eared sushi-eating, she-creature is powerful because she has magic chopsticks! She knows the secret for avoiding dead-end jobs and finding out you are not happy!

With chopsticks in hand the reader is guided through 6 valuable lessons, not the kind of lessons your momma or your textbook tell you to do. This book is life changeably different. For example, first lesson. The plan, there is NO PLAN! You might ask what kind of deepak chopra, zen bullcrap is that?! I am telling you, you ought to read this book to find out
- no zen bullcrap!!
Johnny Bunko is in the NMTC library.

Book already checked out? Don't have the funds to buy it, check out this slide show:

>> Slide show

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